The overview of the PALL program and the Research project on the PALL home page has provided you with a clear understanding of the purpose and background of the PALL program.
The following section is intended to provide you with all the material and resources used throughout PALL in each of the five modules. It also includes the homework tasks for participating Principals to complete in between each module delivery. To read a summary of each module refer to the Synopsis.
The leadership component of each module has been delivered by Emeritus Professor Neil Dempster from Griffith University.
However, there have been two presenters who have worked with APPA to deliver the literacy component of the program.
Throughout the modules where the focus is on literacy you will find materials and resources developed by both Associate Professor Deslea Konza from Edith Cowan University and Anne Bayetto from Flinders University.
- 1. Agenda
- 2. Module Booklet
- 3. PowerPoint
- 4. Video
- 5. Support Material
- 6. Homework Tasks
- 7. Feedback Sheet
- 8. Supplementary Material
- 9. Podcasts
1. Agenda
This agenda provides an outline of the key sessions for Module 2.
Download Module 2 Agenda2. Module Booklet
This booklet provides a complete description of the module and includes:
- An overview of the module
- Planned learning outcomes
- A summary of the sessions
- Readings for the module
- Relevant reports
- Related web links
- Follow-up activities / Homework tasks
- Session format and notes
- References used
3. PowerPoint
This PowerPoint was used by Associate Professor Deslea Konza.
Download Module 2 PowerPoint4. Video
5. Support Material
Support materials were provided in hard copy to the Principals during the module presentation. The order in which they are listed is the order in which they were used during the delivery.
Session 1: Reading Acquisition: The Evidence Base. Introduction to the Big Six
An Explanation of Terms sheet was handed out to all Principals at the beginning of the module so that there was a clear understanding of the terms used throughout the day.
Explanation of TermsSession 2: Development of Oral Language and Early Literacy Experiences, Phonological Awareness and Letter-Sound Knowledge
A test was given to Principals as a fun activity which was designed for them to gain an understanding of their knowledge base. The question and answer sheets are below.
Phonological Awareness Assessment Sheet Phonological Awareness Answer SheetSession 3: Development of Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension
No handouts
Session 4: Indicators of Evidence-Based Literacy Practices
No handouts
Note: We urge you to read the Supplementary Material in this module as they are excellent, practical resources for classroom teachers. There is also a range of relevant websites and a list of additional resources to support classroom practice in the teaching of reading. These resources have proven to be popular with Principals in every PALL presentation.
6. Homework Tasks
There was an expectation that Principals would engage with a series of ‘Homework Tasks’ between each of the modules. This expectation is consistent with the research evidence on what works in Professional Development. This evidence is very clear that ‘real’ learning occurs in the context in which one works rather than in a one day presentation.
The homework task for Module 2 was:
Task 1
The Literacy Practices Guide was developed by Associate Professor Deslea Konza. This was designed for Principals and staff to use as a check list for classroom observation and reflection about effective literacy teaching and learning in the primary years.
Principals were asked, on return to their schools, to work with a volunteer group of staff to observe and reflect what was happening in their school’s classrooms.
The Literacy Practices Guide has proved to be one of the most successful instruments developed in PALL. Most Principals reported that this was a good foundation to start a Disciplined Dialogue with their teachers.
Literacy Practices GuidePlease note there are two Literacy Practices Guides.
The second guide was used by Anne Bayetto in her presentation and is a modification and further development of the one developed by Deslea.
Literacy Practices Guide II7. Feedback Sheet
This was used to gather feedback from the Principals on the sessions delivered in this module so that the developers could make necessary adjustments to future modules.
Feedback Sheet Download8. Supplementary Material
Anne Bayetto distributed Principals with a copy of a Reception 4 Term Overview which provides a timetable for introducing the foundation year skills common to all quality synthetic programs. It was developed by The Specific Learning Difficulties Association of South Australia (SPELD – SA).
Synthetic Phonics
A series of practical websites to assist teachers in the areas of listening and speaking.
Listening and Speaking
Another series of links to a variety of effective reports, etc on literacy.
Literacy Reports / Reviews / Other
Anne provided a list of some useful reading websites.
Useful Sites to Follow-up PALL Module 2 – Reading Websites
This is a fantastic resource for teachers as it provides them with a range of practical applications to use in their classrooms in each area of the Big Six. It was compiled by a group from the Fogarty Learning Centre, Edith Cowan University.
Implementing the Big Six
This was developed by the Learning Difficulties Team, Centre for Inclusive Schooling, Department of Education, Western Australia, 2009.
Scope and Sequence: Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Spelling
Written by Anne Bayetto, Flinders University, School of Education
Article on Fluency
Written by Anne Bayetto, Flinders University, School of Education
Article on Vocabulary
Written by Anne Bayetto, Flinders University, School of Education
Article on Oral Language
Written by Anne Bayetto, Flinders University, School of Education
Article on Letter-Sound (Phonics)
Anne Bayetto prepared this document.
9. Podcasts
In the first podcast, Leonie Trimper (the then President of the Australian Primary Principals Association), provides a context for the production of these podcasts as part of the PALL project.
Associate Professor Deslea Konza follows with a brief overview of what is required for the Teaching of Reading including an introduction to the Big Six of Reading.
1. Oral Language – Deslea Konza
Deslea provides the evidence that all levels of reading will be affected if children do not have good oral language skills.
2. Phonological Awareness – Deslea Konza
Focuses on relating letters to sounds.
Deslea describes the steps required to enable children to develop a word awareness to be able to blend and segment sounds.
3. Phonics – Deslea Konza
Phonics or Letter- Sound Knowledge stresses the importance of teaching letter-sound relationships. The focus is on how critical the skills of synthesising sounds and blending sounds into words is to reading.
4. Vocabulary – Deslea Konza
Deslea emphasises the importance of Vocabulary to reading and describes practical steps to build a child’s vocabulary.
5. Fluency – Deslea Konza
Fluency is when the magic happens. This focuses on fluency being the culmination of the other four areas and the basis for comprehension. It describes how learning to read becomes reading to learn and the range of activities that the teacher can use to develop this skill.
6. Comprehension – Deslea Konza
This strategy depends on all the other five critical components being in place.
Comprehension needs to be taught not practised. The focus is on strategies before / during / after.