Module 3

Leading Literacy Data Gathering and Analysis

The overview of the PALL program and the Research project on the PALL home page has provided you with a clear understanding of the purpose and background of the PALL program.

The following section is intended to provide you with all the materials and resources used throughout PALL in each of the five modules. It also includes the homework tasks for participating Principals to complete in between each module delivery. To read a summary of each module refer to the Synopsis.

The leadership component of each module has been delivered by Emeritus Professor Neil Dempster from Griffith University.

However, there have been two presenters who have worked with APPA to deliver the literacy component of the program.

Throughout the modules where the focus is on literacy you will find materials and resources developed by both Associate Professor Deslea Konza from Edith Cowan University and Anne Bayetto from Flinders University.

1. Agenda

This agenda provides an outline of the key sessions for Module 3.

Download Module 3 Agenda

2. Module Booklet

This booklet provides a complete description of the module and includes:

  • An overview of the module
  • Planned learning outcomes
  • A summary of the sessions
  • Readings for the module
  • Assessment for reading instruction – a list of relevant books
  • Relevant reports
  • Resources needed for the module
  • Follow-up activities / Homework tasks
Download Module 3 Agenda

3. PowerPoint

There are two PowerPoints for this module.
The leadership component was presented by Neil Dempster and the literacy component was presented by Deslea Konza.

Download Neil Dempster Download Deslea Konza

4. Video

Neil’s presentation on leadership was also filmed and accompanies his PowerPoint.

5. Support Material

Support materials were provided in hard copy to the Principals during the module presentation. The order in which they are listed is the order in which they were used during the delivery.

  1. Session 1
  2. Session 2
  3. Session 3
  4. Session 4
  5. Session 5

Session 1: Welcome and Overview to Module 3

View Video

Session 2: Round Table Discussion

This session was designed to allow Principals to share what happened in their schools when they undertook the homework tasks from Modules 1 and 2.

View Video

Session 3: Principals Leading Literacy Learning: Data Gathering Around the Dimensions of the Leadership for Learning Blueprint (Neil Dempster)

Neil distributed a booklet titled Evidence and Ideas Gathering Techniques for School Leaders which contains a range of ways Principals can gather data in their school.

In this session, Neil highlighted particular pages which were linked to the processes of data gathering for each dimension of the Leadership for Learning Blueprint. (couldnt find link)

The examples Neil used were:

Page  5: How strong is the school’s evidence base?
Page  7: Examining aspects of the school’s moral purpose
Page  8: Judging the quality of professional development
Page  9: Understanding conditions for learning
Page 13: Understanding orientations to the school’s curriculum and to children’s teaching and learning
Page 16: Finding out about parent and community connections
Page 17: Example of a survey tool for parent and community connections
Pages 18 & 19: Examining distributed or shared leadership

Neil then shared a number of examples of data gathering that had been developed and used by Principals who had been involved in previous PALL programs.

The examples provided illustrated each dimension of the Leadership for Learning Blueprint.

Principals were given time to discuss each sheet and ways they would use it or modify it for their own schools.

Neil did not have time to use every example but they have been included as relevant examples of data collection around the Leadership for Learning Blueprint.

To assist Principals find each relevant sheet throughout the session, a colour code was used and they are as follows:

Professional Development and Curriculum Teaching (Bright Green sheet)
Conditions for Learning  (Blue sheet)
Curriculum and Teaching Example 1  (Gold sheet)
Curriculum and Teaching Example 2  (Cream sheet)
Curriculum and Teaching Example 3  (Lilac sheet)
Shared Leadership  (White sheet)
Connecting with Parent and Community Support (Pink sheet)
Who Does What in Reading Assessment (White sheet)
A Classroom Reading Assessment Calendar (White sheet)

View Video

Session 4: Leading Literacy Assessment for Diagnostic Teaching

During this presentation a range of reading assessment processes for each of the Big Six were handed out to Principals.



  • Oral Language Assessment
  • Class Overview – Student Receptive and Expressive Language Checklist
  • Teaching Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL)



  • Sutherland Phonological Awareness Test – Revised
  • The Yopp-Singer Test of Phoneme Segmentation
  • Bruce’s Word Analysis Test
  • Assessing Phonological Skills



  • Decoding Checklist
  • The Non-word Reading Test / The Regularity Test
  • Alphacheck



  • Teacher Developed Vocabulary Assessment
  • Vocabulary: Production / Antonyms / Synonyms / Score Sheet
  • Oxford Word List



  • Assessing Fluency
  • Assessing Prosody



  • Assessing Comprehension of Text
  • Simple Formative Reading Survey
  • Oral Reading Fluency and Basic Word Identification Skills

Appraisal of Standardised Tests

Anne Bayetto provided this tool for Principals to use to appraise the relevancy of any standardised tests they were using or considering using in their school. The appraisal helps Principals with issues of validity, reliability, percentile scores and standardised scores.

In Deslea’s PowerPoint slides 60 to 65 she highlights what teachers can do if children are experiencing difficulties in any of the Big Six. Anne adapted and extended this original concept from the PALL Pilot Project in the form of a rubric which was handed out to Principals to use with their staff.

If Students are … then they need

This has been designed to support teachers to know what practical strategies they can use to support students who are experiencing difficulties in the areas of Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Letter-Sound Knowledge, High Frequency Sight Words, Vocabulary, Comprehension and Fluency.


Session 5: Leading Literacy Assessment for Diagnostic Teaching

Neil provided a one page sheet which was originally developed by the Cambridge University Assessment for Learning Network. It sets out the role and responsibilities of both Principals and Classroom Teachers in the development of a whole school reading assessment plan.

Who does what in reading assessment?

6. Homework Tasks

As described in Session 6 (above).

7. Feedback Sheet

This was used to gather feedback from the Principals on sessions delivered in this module so that the developers could make necessary adjustments to future modules.

*Missing Module 3 Feedback Sheet

Download Feedback Sheet


9. Podcasts

The Knowledge Principals Need to Have to Lead Reading (Anne Bayetto)

The Evidence Principals Need to Lead the Planning for Improvement in Reading (Anne Bayetto)