Welcome to the Principals as Literacy Leaders (PALL) website.

The Principals as Literacy Leaders program has been designed to develop the capabilities of primary school principals as ‘effective literacy leaders’.

The program has been designed based on the latest ‘leadership’ and ‘reading’ research and provides all leaders with a range of practical tools and strategies.

PALL has been trialled and delivered to over 600 principals from all jurisdictions around Australia and is continuing to expand.

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  • PALL has given me cause to reclaim my position as a curriculum leader.” “The professional learning I have received within the project has helped me to develop the professional learning of staff in literacy.

  • I am more upfront as an instructional leader. There is more team responsibility and staff are leading some of these activities. We have a common focus in professional learning.

  • Our school’s literacy intervention focus is now informed by identified individual needs.

  • We are changing our processes and structures because our data is more focussed.